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~ This lot contains animal materials. Import restrictions are to be expected and must be considered.
The legislator imposes strict rules for the commercial use of inert animal species. The international regulations of March 3, 1973 (CITES) requires for different annexes a correlation between the specimen and the documentation proving the origins to be lawful. This regulation transcribed in European Community law (Annexes A/B/C) in Rule 338/97 of 9/12/1996 permits commercial use of regulated specimens (CITES) upon presentation of documentation proving lawful origin; these documents for this variation are as follows:
• For Annex A : C/C provided outlining the specimen’s history (for specimens of recent date)
• For Annex B : Bird specimens are either banded or equipped with transponders, and are accompanied by documents of licit origin. The auction’s sale record must be conserved as it contains the complete history of every specimen.
All cases concerning specimens of recent date that are protected under the French Environmental Code and which were born and raised in captivity are permitted by the derogation clause AM of 14/07/2006. As such, they can be used commercially provided traceability between the specimen and the documentation proving licit origins. Other specimen cases dating prior to clause AM of 21/07/2015 can, due to this fact, be used commercially. Specimens dating before 1947 included in this auction sale benefit from clause 2M of the derogatory Rule 228/97 of 9/12/1996, permitting their use for trade. However, exporting them outside of the EU them requires a pre-CITES Convention agreement.
For huntable species of the European continent and elsewhere, commercial use is allowed under certain conditions. Domesticated species (D) included in this auction sale are free for trade. Old specimens from before the Convention (i.e. before 1975) comply with the conditions of the AM of 23/12/2011 and, as such, are free for trade.
The other specimens in this auction sale are not subject to NR regulations and are free for commercial use and trade. The auction record will substantiate their licit origin.
To leave the EU, with regards to the Annexes I/A, II/B et III/C, a CITES re-export document at the expense of the acquirer will be necessary.
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